If you have ever dreamed of buying the best 15mm cast resin buildings for Eastern Front WWII gaming, you are in luck! Mark IV Miniatures has a full line of buildings to satisfy any 15mm WWII Eastern Front gamer!
The original design concept for this line was to provide resin building models that have lift-off roofs, and interior detail. My primary gaming interest at the time I began designing this line of buildings was WWII skirmish gaming. I was unable to find very many resin Eastern Front style buildings that I could place figures into for skirmish gaming. I also had access to metal casting when I worked with Musket Miniatures, so I designed the buildings with open windows and provided metal windows to glue into the open window frames. At this time, I worked full time for Musket Miniatures, so I decided to create and market a line of buildings that would satisfy my needs!
Since that time, I have designed numerous Eastern Front buildings that have even exceeded my expectations! ALL THE BUILDINGS IN THE 15mm "FURY ON THE STEPPES" SERIES HAVE LIFT OFF ROOFS, AND INTERIOR DETAIL! The interior detail is limited to windows, floors and walls, so you can place figure stands inside all stories of the buildings! The battle-damaged versions have interior rubble and broken roof timbers on the floor. A few buildings even have broken-down chimneys inside! When I started Mark IV Miniatures, I decided to re-design the buildings to have solid resin windows to ease production.
Even though I originally designed these buildings for skirmish gaming, they are fully usable for many other 15mm rules. While visiting Historicon several years ago, I was amazed to find that almost every 15mm Eastern Front WWII game had at least one of my "Fury on the Steppes" buildings included on the game board! These buildings are entirely suitable for use with Flames of War, Battlefront WWII, and Crossfire. Order a few, paint, them up, and you will have more satisfaction than ever fighting the dreaded SS in the frozen wasteland of Mother Russia!